Holy Card Heaven
Links to Small Albums within ~Jesus Christ Album~
~Christ Child~ ~Corpus Christi~ ~Divine Gardener~ ~Divine Pilot~ ~Good Shepherd~ ~Incarnation~Living Water ~Precious Blood~ ~Sacred Heart~ ~Salvator Mundi~ ~Transfiguration~
See also: ~Christmas Album~ and ~Easter Album~

Monday, November 23, 2009

To greatness
prefer humility,
and you will rest
in the heart
of Jesus.

Basset, Paris

Salvator Mundi

She is the
Gate of Heaven.
Bouasse Lebel
Plate 872

St. Joseph

He has suffered with Jesus.
He reigns in heaven
with Jesus.

Bouasse Lebel
Plate 1117

The blood of Jesus
the world.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Bath of the Doves

Taste and see
how good is the Lord
to those who love him.

How sweet it is
to be with Jesus.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lamb of God,
have pity
on us.

Hand painted on silk

Happy are those
who quench their thirst
at the Source
of Life.

Bouasse Lebel

Relief of our Brothers

Blessed are the peacemakers
for they shall be called
the children of God.
Matthew 5:9

Bouasse Lebel
plate 449

Lamb of God,
immolated for us,
make us burn
with unceasing love
for You.



Divine Heart,
without Your love.
life breaks
like a reed
in the storm.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh it is beautiful,
this happy day.
With happiness
we await His

Silk embroidery
and paper lace

It is by the virtue
of my blood,
that the heart
is purified
and absolved.


Gift of Intelligence

Lord give me the gift of
Your intelligence,
and I will live.
based on
Psalm 18 also Psalm 19

Bouasse-Lebel, Paris
Plate 144

The Kindness of Jesus

With the example of Jesus
let us be a constant kindness.
Sooner or later
a continuity
of generous acts
obtains from God
its reward.

Basset, Paris