Holy Card Heaven
Links to Small Albums within ~Jesus Christ Album~
~Christ Child~ ~Corpus Christi~ ~Divine Gardener~ ~Divine Pilot~ ~Good Shepherd~ ~Incarnation~Living Water ~Precious Blood~ ~Sacred Heart~ ~Salvator Mundi~ ~Transfiguration~
See also: ~Christmas Album~ and ~Easter Album~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Eucharist

As little birds gathering to be near to Jesus, so he feeds us with the Bread of Angels.
Basset 398

The Hospitable Rooftop.  
Bouasse Lebel 1090

Come to the most sweet medicine.
Bouasse Lebel 1188

The Happiness of Jesus   
I am your food.   
Bouasse Lebel 6017

Friday, July 23, 2010

Precious Blood of Jesus: Feast Day, July 1

I am the Fountain of Living Water

I am the fountain  of Living Water  Letaille

Precious Blood of Our Redeemer
Precious Blood of our Redeemer, it is through you that our souls will be saved. Langlume, Paris

A free e-book to read this month:
The Precious Blood
by Fr. Frederick Faber

The soul that is sprinkled with this Torrent will have life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

For You, my God,
all for You.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Divine Gardner

Jesus is the Divine Gardener of our hearts.  He cuts back the dead branches and makes to produce the fruits of salvation. Bouasse Lebel

The Divine Gardener
The soul watered by the tears of the Heart of Jesus will soon delight by its sweet fragrance the church on earth and the church in heaven.
Letaille 707 E. Boumard, Paris

Your hearts are gardens precious to the Lord.

Sprinkle with the life-giving waters of your Cross, the lilies sown there. 

Bouasse Lebel 1344

I am the fountain
of Living Water

of the Soul
Happy the state of the heart in which Divine Love reigns. Alone, the pure souls united to Jesus taste the ineffable delights.
Bonamy, Poitiers

In the shelter of the Cross the lily will grow in peace toward Heaven.